Command Quick Ref

Command Description
git config --global Set up Git with your information, usually only the first time you use a computer
git clone URL Copy a remote repo to your local machine, get the URL from GitHub.
git pull Download new changes from the remote repo
git status Check the status, use often!
git add FILENAME Add “FILENAME” to the “staging area”
git add -A Add all the changed files to the “staging area”
git commit -m "message" Take a “snapshot”
git push Upload commits to the remote repo
git log Review the repo history
git diff Compare differences between current files and history

Commandline Navigation

Command Description
pwd “print working directory”, tells you where you are
ls Lists the files and folders in your current location
ls -a List all, including hidden directories
cd “change directory”, move to a new folder
cd .. back one level
cd ~ switch to “Home” directory
mkdir FOLDER “make directory”, create a new directory called “FOLDER”