Markdown Basics

We instinctively organize documents using visual styles to represent headings, paragraphs, and other elements–Markdown provides a set of basic conventions to mark this semantic structure more formally, while keeping it simple.


Headings range from level one to six, with one being the most important concepts. They should generally move up in order without skipping a level.

Be sure to include a blank line above and below a heading.

# Heading One

## Heading Two

### Heading Three

Heading One

Heading Two

Heading Three


Paragraphs don’t require any special markup. Just leave an empty line between your paragraphs and any other block element. For example:

Any text with no empty lines between will be joined into a paragraph.
Leave an empty line between headings and paragraphs.

Since there is an empty line above, 
this will start a new paragraph.
This gives you the option to write a paragraph all on one line 
(like a word processor),
or to put each sentence on its own line.
Splitting the sentences can make editing and version control easier. 

Any text with no empty lines between will be joined into a paragraph. Leave an empty line between headings and paragraphs.

Since there is an empty line above, this will start a new paragraph. This gives you the option to write a paragraph all on one line (like a word processor), or to put each sentence on its own line. Splitting the sentences can make editing and version control easier.


A bullet list (i.e. unordered list) is created using - followed by a space (alternatively can use * or +). Put each list item on a new line. A numbered list (i.e. ordered list) is created using a number + . followed by a space. The items will be automatically renumbered correctly in outputs. Both kinds of lists can be nested by tabbing in a level.

- dog
- cat
- muffin
  • dog
  • cat
  • muffin

1. dog
2. cat
6. muffin
1. other thing
  1. dog
  2. cat
  3. muffin
  4. other thing

1. dog
    - bark
    - wag
2. cat
    - meow
6. muffin
    - yum
  1. dog
    • bark
    • wag
  2. cat
    • meow
  3. muffin
    • yum

Note, many platforms will also support to-do lists following the pattern:

- [ ] task one
- [x] completed task

Inline Elements

*Emphasis* or _emphasis_

**Strong** or __strong__

**_Strong and Emphasis_**

Emphasis or emphasis

Strong or strong

Strong and Emphasis



![alt text](



alt text

example footnote.[^1]

[^1]: footnote definition will show up at bottom.

example footnote.1

  1. footnote definition will show up at bottom. 


Code can be highlighted inline with `backticks`.

Or make a code block 
open with three backticks alone on a line 
and close with three more on a line. 

This makes it easier to copy unformatted code/text

Code can be highlighted inline with backticks.

Or make a code block 
open with three backticks alone on a line 
and close with three more on a line. 

This makes it easier to copy unformatted code/text


Tables aren’t supported by all Markdown converters, but can be useful for some quick structure.

| column1 | column2 | column3 |
| --- | --- | --- |
| value | value | value |
| value | value | value |

column1 column2 column3
value value value
value value value

Block Quotes

> Each line starts with greater-than space.
> Any other markdown can be used.

Each line starts with greater-than space. Any other markdown can be used.

Horizontal Rule

Three or more dashes on a line:


Three or more dashes on a line:


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