Water of the Wondrous Isles | William Morris (1897)

About wondrous-isles-book

The Water of the Wondrous Isles is a classic fantasy novel by William Morris, first published in 1897 as an elaborate artisanal vellum print edition produced at Kelmscott Press.

morris-wondrous-isles-book is an artisanal web based digital edition.

Other digitized editions of The Water of the Wondrous Isles:


The site was developed from the basic-book template, using Jekyll static site generator and hosted on GitHub Pages. This version uses Jekyll 4.1.1 and a custom plugin, and is built using GitHub Actions.

The text is stored as a series of plain text files in Markdown format, one for each chapter. This text is used to generate both the web pages of the book and data derivatives for importing into other tools for analysis.

The source code is hosted in a GitHub repository, morris-wondrous-isles-book. This allows the book to be easily shared, adapted, and modified by anyone–or used as a template for creating other books.


The text of Wondrous Isles was originally published in 1897 in the UK, thus is in the Public Domain. The website project is licensed MIT (copyright Evan Will), and other content are CC BY-SA by Evan Will, 2020.