Wondrous Isles Data
Text Download
derivatives generated from the project text.
calculated from text excluding front matter and chapter headings.
- Total words count: 146209
- Unique words: 6483 (download words.csv)
- Vocabulary density: 0.0443
- Character count: 729445 (download unique characters.csv)
- Line count: 1330 (approximately paragraphs)
- Chapter word counts: wordcounts.csv
Source Texts
- Kelmscott Press, 1897, Cleveland Museum of Art.
- Longmans, Green, and Co., 1897, Trent University (not particularly good digitization).
- Longmans, Green, and Co.,”Pocket edition”, 1914, Vol. I, Vol. II, University of Toronto.
- William Morris Archive, edited by Florence S. Boos (good text, but dated html template and non-working page image editions)
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