Tools for Academic Writing

Scholarly writing workflows generally center around .docx as the defacto standard. However, traditional word processors are NOT the only way to write a paper, and can impose significant limitations on how we collaborate and communicate. Below we look at some of the options and issues as a frame, before exploring about how Markdown can be used for academic writing.

Word Processors

MS Word has been the standard tool for writing academic papers for many years. However, being familiar and pervasive doesn’t mean it is truly easy to use! Anyone who has spent hours trying to figure out some odd formatting quirk, seen the entire theme disappear when pasting something in, or opened a document from an earlier software version will understand some of the limitations of these platforms.

First, in a WYSIWYG editor content and presentation are mixed, semantic structure of the document is easy to confuse with styling. Formatting is hidden in the interface and can be difficult to sort out, meaning often “what you see is not what you get” and you can’t figure out why.

Second, MS Word is a proprietary tool linked to proprietary formats. Tools like Google Docs are proprietary platforms with unclear privacy, security, and ownership. These situations presents challenges to collaboration, innovation, and sustainability.

Document preparation systems

TeX and LaTeX have long been the standard for academic writing in fields that need to represent mathematical equations. They are extremely powerful for creating PDF/print documents, but are complex with steep learning curves which can make collaboration difficult. The source code of LaTeX documents are not necessarily easy to read or preview until compiled.

Code notebooks

If you are writing about research involving code and visualizations, code notebooks are a great option. These systems integrate Markdown (or other lightweight markup language) with code blocks to create documents with live or rendered code. However, they are situated in ecosystems that require language specific skills, and can result in “dependency hell” if not correctly packaged, which are issues for sharing and sustainability.

(Lightweight) Markup languages

Lightweight markup languages seek to be easy to write and read, while providing expressive semantic markup that can be used to transform the marked up content into different formats.


Example: Karthik Ram, “Git can facilitate greater reproducibility and increased transparency in science”, Source Code Biol Med 8, 7 (2013), Available at


Markdown is a quick and simple standard to create formatted documents in plaintext. Developed in 2004 by John Gruber with Aaron Swartz based on how people intuitively write emails, it focuses on being human readable, yet designed to easily convert into HTML for the web. Because of it’s simplicity, it is used by many websites and note taking apps to allow formatting notes, comments, and post content.

Markdown files are plaintext, usually with the extension .md, and can be edited by any text editor. Think of it as source code for your document, that can be compiled to generate outputs such as HTML, .docx, or PDF.

Markdown comes in “flavors” from various specifications or implementations that add additional features.

One of the benefits of these various Markdown parsers is that they usually allow a mix of other types of markup inside an .md file, including LaTeX style math, HTML elements, and code blocks making it a flexible base to write an academic document in an efficient manner.