
Firefox Tips

Tips about Firefox:

  • Settings > Privacy & Security > check “Use a primary password” and set. This ensures your saved passwords are encrypted on your device.
  • Settings > Privacy & Security > Website Advertising Preferences, uncheck “Allow” option!
  • Add Firefox Multi-Account Containers, Facebook Container
  • Add adblocker such as uBlock Origin

Disable Gestures

I have issues accedentally going back via the default “guestures” for “swipe” somehow causing Back at random on my touch pad. Turn off the option to avoid this issue:

  • in address bar, type about:config
  • accept the risk warning
  • search for browser.gesture
  • in the .swipe.left and .swipe.right options, click the edit icon, delete the value, and click the check icon to save.

Issues with Cisco VPN

For some weird reason, Cisco AnyConnect / Secure Client has issues with Ubuntu + Firefox for authentication. To avoid issues, first go to Ubuntu Settings > Connectivity and uncheck the option. Second, use Chromium for authentication…