
Git Branch Notes

Branching is a Git fundamental that allows you to test out ideas in parallel to your main repository without disrupting the main/master copy. Notes about confusing things:

Remote branches

It is a bit confusing that branches are only local by default, e.g. when you git checkout -b example on your laptop, the new example branch is only on your machine and will not automatically be pushed to GitHub. Likewise, a new branch on GitHub will not automatically appear on your local machine when you use git branch to list branches.

A branch that is connected to a remote repository (GitHub) is called a “tracking branch”. When you git clone, the main/master branch is automatically created as a “tracking branch” with the GitHub repository as the “upstream branch”. However, git knows about the other remote branches, but does not automatically create them locally. Furthermore, after you create a new branch locally, and you want to push it to GitHub, you will need to add a remote.

To get information about all your remotes, git remote show origin lists everything tracked locally and how it lines up with your remotes.

Use a remote “tracking branch” locally:

  • Clone the repo, git clone https://github.com/user/repository.git
  • Checking git branch will display only the local branches, i.e. main/master if you just cloned it.
  • Check git branch -a to see all branches, including remotes, i.e. git knows about the other branches, it just didn’t create a local version of it yet. The remote branches will be named like remotes/origin/branch-name.
  • To create a local version of a remote branch, use git checkout branch-name (when there is no local branch with that name and it exactly matches a remote branch, git will automatically create a local “tracking branch”). This is the short cut to git checkout -b branch-name origin/branch-name. Now with the branch there locally, you can push and fetch/pull as normal.

Create a branch locally, then add to remote:

  • Create and switch to a new branch, git checkout -b branch-name. (reminder: this is a short cut combo of two commands, git branch branch-name and git checkout branch-name)
  • To add the branch to the remote, git push origin branch-name will create the remote branch and set the “upstream” for the local version. (this is a shortcut to git branch --set-upstream-to origin branch-name plus git push)

Update branch from main/master

In most workflows you might not actually want to do this to avoid weird histories, but…

  1. Update your main/master branch, with git pull.
  2. Switch to the feature branch that needs updating, git checkout feature-branch.
  3. Merge main/master into the feature: git merge main.