Use Git locally to collaborate
you can use Git with out a cloud service to simplify collaboration in repository on a shared drive
Set up shared repository
Create a directory on the shared drive to hold the repository, then git init --bare
By convention, bare repos are given the extension .git
cd /t/
mkdir newRepo.git
cd newRepo.git
git init --bare
The bare repo is not like a normal repository. It does not have copies of the working files visible, only the full git history. Bare repos are only for sharing and collaborating on a repo, not making changes to files. You will see the working files when you clone the bare repo to a normal repository locally.
On your local working drive, create a repository and add the bare repo as remote.
cd /c/
mkdir newRepo
cd newRepo
git init
git remote add origin /t/newRepo.git
echo "init" > README
git add README
git commit -m "init"
git push -u origin --all
Now some else can make a copy of newRepo
from the shared drive /t/
git clone /t/newRepo.git
cd newRepo
Make some changes or a new branch.
git branch newFeature
git checkout newFeature
echo "new stuff" > newfile.txt
git add newfile.txt
git commit -m "new file"
git push --set-upstream origin newFeature
When you create a new branch you need to git push --set-upstream origin newbranch
to set up the new branch in the bare repo.
If you already have newRepo
, update by pulling (this should grab any new branches).
cd /c/newRepo
git pull
Now when the new branch is ready for prime time, merge it into master.
cd /c/newRepo
git pull
git checkout master
git merge newFeature
git push