
PocketCHIP stuff

The makers of CHIP went out of business as of 2018 and took all their code down. If you want to keep your CHIP running, you have to rely on the community…

Archived stuff


built in calculator: xcalc

use the built in browser: surf http://google.com (need help, man surf)

get a text browser: sudo apt-get install lynx

get a graphical browser: sudo apt-get install midori

get a paint program: sudo apt-get install mypaint

or: sudo apt-get install grafx2

notetaking: sudo apt-get install xournal

sudo apt-get install evolvotron

From blog




Fun terminal stuff

Watch star wars in ASCII:

sudo apt-get install telnet

telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl

Get lots of games:

sudo apt-get install bsdgames

bsdgames includes: adventure, arithmetic, atc, backgammon, battlestar, bcd, boggle, caesar, canfield, countmail, cribbage, dab, go-fish, gomoku, hack, hangman, hunt, mille, monop, morse, number, pig, phantasia, pom, ppt, primes, quiz, random, rain, robots, rot13, sail, snake, tetris, trek, wargames, worm, worms, wump, wtf. Play bsdgames by typing the name on the terminal.

sudo apt-get install ninvaders

sudo apt-get install nethack

sudo apt-get install 2048-cli

sudo apt-get install moon-buggy

sudo apt-get install robotfindskitten






apt-get install visualboyadvance Then type vba to run it. Vba [rom location] to run the game.

vice: http://www.rift.dk/blog/run-vice-on-your-pocketchip


To run VICE, type x64 from the terminal. To load a game, tap File then mount a disk, browsing to wherever you put your files.

MEdnafen: https://bbs.nextthing.co/t/mednafen-emulator-configuration-gbc-gba-snes-nes/5027

retroarch: https://github.com/libretro/RetroArch/wiki/Compilation-guide-(Linux)

RetroArch doesn’t require GL. You can compile it without GL/GLES/EGL at the expense of some features (no fancy menus, only RGUI; no shaders). I’m assuming you’ll be able to compile it similarly to how it used to be compiled for rpi (note that opengl/egl/gles are disabled during the ./configure step): https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=56070


Case mods

keyboard face plate, http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1670579

keyboard, http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1686723

d-pad, http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1644139

combine PiGrrl parts?

source files, https://github.com/NextThingCo/PocketCHIP-Mechanical