Python JupyterLab and Kernels
Mini workshop.
- Intro
- Survey, click here!
- Discuss
- Environments and Kernels
- Notebooks
Package + environment management for Python (but can be used for other languages), conda docs.
Version and updates:
conda --version
/conda info
conda update conda
conda update --all
/conda update anaconda
conda install [package]
conda remove [package]
conda list
(all current packages + versions)
Keep in mind if you install something without using conda
(i.e. pip), conda can’t update it.
conda create -n testenv
conda env list
conda activate testenv
conda deactivate
conda env remove -n testenv
conda env export --name myenv > myenv.yml
conda env create --file myenv.yml
Installing kernels
Python 2:
conda create -n py27 python=2.7
conda activate py27
conda install ipykernel
source deactivate
conda create -n mro_env r-essentials mro-base
- Download Julia and install
which jupyter
JUPYTER=$(which jupyter) julia
using Pkg
Anaconda Navigator is a GUI app to manage conda and install stuff…
- Navigator docs
- start on Linux:
- create / manage / switch environments
- manage packages, check versions
- links to learning resources
- launch apps in the correct environment
- It’s the future and it’s ready (news, blog). Notebook was designed around 2011–since then Python has been relatively stable, but web technology has changed rapidly… Jupyter Lab is an update using modern web technology,
- If you have an up-to-date Anaconda install, it’s already installed
- JupyterLab docs
- fully backwards compatible (“Classic” Notebooks runs from the same server)
- updated framework (built on JS)
- more extensible
- more IDE like (tabs and panes)
- updated notebook features (drag & drop cells, collapse, context menu, more live preview formats and syntax highlighting)
- code console (with notebook, text file, or codeblock in markdown > right-click to start console, shift+enter to run line or block)
- Output view (right-click > “Create new view for output”)
conda install nb_conda
jupyter lab
Sharing notebooks
- nbviewer (easy way to share a static rendered version of a notebook from GitHub)
- binder (open a GitHub repo of notebooks in a temporary executable environment, docs)