
Brand New Reel!

ABC notation is a shorthand standard for representing music, commonly used to record and share traditional folk tunes. Each tune has a header and some notes.

Common header elements:

  • X: index number, required in some software [e.g. X:1]
  • T: title [e.g T: Happy Birthday]
  • M: meter, required [e.g. M:C, M:4/4, M:3/4]
  • L: default note length [e.g. L:1/2, L:1/4, L:1/8]
  • Q: tempo [e.g. Q:120, Q:1/8=120, Q:1/4=60]
  • K: key signature, required [e.g. K:G, K:Gm]
  • V: voice, can set the clef [e.g. V:1 name=Violin, V:2 name=Cello clef=bass]

Common notation elements:

  • bottom octave CDEFGAB, top octave cdefgab [e.g. C = middle C]
  • z rest
  • , down an octave, ' up an octave [e.g. C, or c']
  • ^ sharps, _ flats [e.g. ^c or _c]
  • make note longer by multiplying number, or shorter by a / dividing number [e.g. a2 or a/2]
  • notes separated by spaces will not have beams, those together will [e.g. a b c versus abc]
  • | barline, |] double bar, |: repeats :|

Brand New Reel remixes the titles and tunes of about 460 traditional reels. The music data is derived from the ABC version of the Nottingham Music Database. Because ABC notation is a simple plain text format, it is ideal for sharing music on the web--and for manipulating with code. The editor is created using abcjs, which renders the ABC in musical notation and generates MIDI sound playback (full functionality only on Chromium / Chrome browser). Click the Edit button to show the ABC notation, and try modifying the Brand New Reel!