
Handy web dev tools

Key shortcuts:

  • Paste plain text (get rid of weird formatting): Ctrl + Shift + V
  • Override a page’s custom context menu (so you can access your normal one): Shift + right click

Browser support:


Web Master utilities:



Stop using “click here”:

Also, don’t use link shorteners

Free images:

Image optimize:




Quick local server:

  • Python 3: python -m http.server 8000 then surf to localhost:8000 (part of python standard library)
  • Ruby: ruby -run -e httpd . -p 8080 then surf to localhost:8080 (note in ruby 3.0+ webrick is removed from the standard library, so you will have to install webrick gem)
  • Node: install npm install -g http-server, run http-server

Ultra minimal computing notebook:

  • new-note (see article)
  • or paste into address bar data:text/html, <html contenteditable style='padding:10%;'>, type, then save with Ctrl+S.

Minimal hosting:

Find good font for your editor:

Check content of certificate file:

  • openssl x509 -in libcal_uidaho_edu_cert.cer -noout -text