HTML (in a few minutes)

The web is made up of HTML, CSS, and JS (mostly).

When you access a website, the server sends your computer the code, and your browser renders it into a web page. Thus, you have the code for every web page you visit on your machine.

Right click on any page and select “View page source” to check it out!

Or put view-source: in front of any URL.

spider web

Hypertext Markup Language

HTML is a “markup language” originally designed to describe documents for the web. HTML is made up of a set of standard elements used to structure a web page and introduce features such as images. Elements are represented by tags using point brackets, <tag></tag>.

Every HTML file starts with the doctype declaration <!DOCTYPE html> which tells your web browser what type of file it is. Next comes the root element <html>. The rest of the web page is nested inside the root element, so the final tag on every HTML file will be </html>.

Create a web page

Create a new repository on GitHub:

Create a new file in the repo:

Our basic page:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <h1>Hello World!</h1>
        <p>gh-pages rock!</p>
        <p>See <a href="about.html">About page</a></p>

Activate GitHub Pages: