Markdown (in a few minutes)

Markdown is a standard to simplify writing content for the web. A handful of simple conventions translate into the basic HTML elements, making it quick to write and edit. Markdown can be used any where on GitHub, in popular static site generators such as Jekyll, and to create documents using Pandoc or a Markdown editor.

Create a Markdown File

Create a new file in the repo:

# Heading One

## Heading Two

### Heading Three, etc.

Any text with no empty lines between will become a paragraph.
Leave an empty line between headings and paragraphs.
Font can be *Italic* or **Bold**.
Code can be highlighted with `backticks`.

Hyperlinks look like this [GitHub Help](
Images look similar:

![alt text here](

A bullet list is created using `*`, `+`, or `-`, like:

- dog
- cat
- muffin

A numbered list is created using a number + `.`, like:

1. one
2. two
6. three
2. four


Heading One

Heading Two

Heading Three, etc.

Any text with no empty lines between will become a paragraph. Leave an empty line between headings and paragraphs. Font can be Italic or Bold. Code can be highlighted with backticks.

Hyperlinks look like this GitHub Help. Images look similar:

alt text here

A bullet list is created using *, +, or -, like:

  • dog
  • cat
  • muffin

A numbered list is created using a number + ., like:

  1. one
  2. two
  3. three
  4. four


Visit your index.html on your new site and click the link to about.html. Notice that your has been converted into about.html and put in a fancy HTML template?

Behind the scene, gh-pages is running Jekyll static site generator. Jekyll automatically converted your Markdown into a lovely web page using a builtin theme. This website is created in the same way: content written in basic markdown is converted into the incredibly beautiful pages you see here by the workshop-template-b theme.
