Installing Java on Windows

OpenRefine is a Java application. On Windows, the easiest way to use Refine is to download the “Windows kit with embedded Java” package which includes everything needed to run Refine (to reiterate: you do not need to install Java!).

If you already have an up to date Java installed on your system, you can download the “Windows kit” package.

You can check if you already have Java by opening Command Prompt and typing java --version.

Checking for Java in CMD window.

Installing Java

If you want to install Java on your Windows system you have a few options depending on your needs. In the past most people used “Oracle Java”, however, in 2019 Oracle significantly changed their license terms, which limits what is considered “personal use”. If you are installing Java on a work or research computer you are safer using an open alternative unless your organization pays for a license.

I recommend using the Adoptium installer which is just as easy to install as Oracle Java, but is free and openly licensed.

Adoptium provides installers for openly licensed Java (previously known as Adopt OpenJDK). This effort is supported by major tech companies (outside of Oracle).

Oracle Java

Oracle Java is the most common installer people have used in the past. It is “free” for personally use, but is not openly licensed. However, in 2019 Oracle significantly changed their license terms, which limits what is considered “personal use”. If you are installing Java on a work or research computer you are safer using an open alternative unless your organization pays for a license.

Oracle OpenJDK Builds

As an alternative to their officially licensed version, Oracle provides openly licensed Oracle OpenJDK Builds. This option provides the Java package, but not an installer–thus installation is manual and not very convenient.

Edit Windows System Variables

In most cases this is only necessary if using the Oracle OpenJDK Builds (without an installer). You will need to manually edit your system variables to add Java to your Path.

Search for environment variables in Settings
System properties window
Environment variables window