is a Jekyll project to create a simple workshop website, with a Bootstrap-based theme, designed for hosting on GitHub Pages (or similar static web options!).
It works best for about five pages of instructions, plus home page, all written in Markdown. The navigation to the main pages is exposed at top and bottom of each page for easy stepping through the lessons.
Rather than making slides for a workshop, why not make a website? It’s easier to write, access, share, and reuse. GitHub and GitHub Pages makes this pretty easy.
It is a great Open Educational Resource since anyone can make a copy and adapt!
GitHub Pages
One amazingly useful GitHub feature is GitHub Pages. It provides free static web hosting from any repository. GH-Pages is intended to host relatively simple sites for your GitHub portfolio, project, or documentation. Because it is free and a valuable transferable skill, this is a great option for teaching and learning.
Many organizations are using GitHub to collaboratively create and publish public workshop websites. For example:
Note: There are soft limits and guidelines for gh-pages usage: sites should be < 1GB, use < 100GB bandwidth per month, and make < 10 builds per hour. If your site exceeds these quotas, GitHub will send you a notice asking you to modify the repository. All content must follow the community guidelines, e.g. no violence, obscene sex, or illegal stuff.