0.0 - Preparation
For this workshop you will need:
- Arduino UNO and usb cable.
- a few basic electronic components, as found in most Arduino starter kits: a breadboard, some jumper wires, a piezo, a 10k ohm resistor, a few 220 or 330 ohm resistors, a photoresistor, and a few LEDs.
- Arduino Software IDE installed on your computer. Arduino IDE is a free and open-source software. Detailed installation instructions are available for Linux, Windows, and Mac. Alternatively, sign up for an online IDE service such as Arduino Web Editor (note: if you use Chrome OS it will be necessary to use an online editor).
[The MILL will provide all the required materials. However, it will be helpful to set up Arduino IDE on your own computer so that you will have the code and tools available after the workshop.]